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Aug. 9, 2022

Survivorship Day Exploration Part 1

Survivorship Day Exploration Part 1

Cancer affects many lives in different ways, leaving survivors and their loved ones with unique experiences and stories. And while it is essential to support cancer patients currently battling cancer, recognizing the effort and strength of cancer survivors is deeply important. For this reason, Penn State Children's Hospital hosts Survivorship Day each year in June to commemorate National Cancer Survivor Month and honor recent graduates.

Today's episode of Life On Pause is part one of our two-part series featuring recordings from the 2022 Survivorship Day event. Host Elizabeth is joined at Survivorship Day by her mother, father, and event attendee Timmy Ward where they share their stories and converse about the cancer journey. Together they discuss cancer support, the caregiver experience, and the important lessons they learned along the way.

Listen to Survivorship Day event attendees speak on the cancer experience:

Survivorship Day (0:33)

Host Elizabeth joins us on this episode to speak about her experience at Survivorship Day 2022, hosted by Penn State Children's Hospital as a commemoration of National Cancer Survivor Month. The event honors cancer survivors and provides them with the opportunity to gather together, share their stories, and discuss topics surrounding cancer survivorship .

Introducing the Speakers (1:42)

Elizabeth and several other attendees gather at Survivorship Day to share their thoughts and cancer experiences. Elizabeth is 18 and recently finished treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma, and she shares her plans to attend Fairfield University to study nursing this fall. Elizabeth participated in the event with her mother, Kim Zachary, a Hodgkin's lymphoma survivor, and her father, Chris Zachary. She is also joined by another event attendee, Timmy Ward, a Rutgers University student who also experienced Hodgkin's lymphoma. 

Timmy's Story (2:52)

After experiencing a range of symptoms, Timmy Ward was diagnosed with cancer as a junior in high school. He shares his personal experiences with cancer and how the physical effects of his illness changed his life. He explains that while he received support throughout his journey, the treatment process still significantly impacted him in a short amount of time.

Different Perspectives (4:43)

Elizabeth's mother, Kim, had experienced cancer herself and acted as a caregiver when her daughter was diagnosed. Kim discusses each of these experiences and how important it is to have a strong support system throughout the cancer journey.

A Caregiver's Role (6:12)

Survivorship Day welcomes cancer survivors and those who supported them throughout their journeys. Chris takes the stand to speak about what it was like to act as a support system for both his wife and later his daughter.

Mental Health and Cancer (9:05)

Cancer can impact a patient's physical health and mental wellbeing. Elizabeth, Chris, and Timmy speak about the importance of maintaining focus and positivity and how continuing to stay active and seek joy in life have helped them throughout their treatments.

Part One Conclusion (11:53)

Elizabeth concludes this episode of Life on Pause and part one of the Survivorship Day Exploration series. Be sure to check back in for the next segment featuring speakers and stories from the Survivorship Day event.