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June 7, 2022

A Fork In The Road

A Fork In The Road

Experiencing an unforeseen circumstance like cancer can cause your life to deviate from the path you had initially set out upon. This episode of Life on Pause discusses cancer's impact as a "fork in the road" and how it can significantly alter the lives of those who experience it.

Life on Pause is a podcast created by and for young adults living with cancer. Within this episode, Penn State Medical Center's young adults are joined by young adults from UT Southwestern Medical Center whose lives have been impacted by cancer. They have come together to discuss the deeply personal ways that cancer has changed their life paths and their processes of coping with these events.

Listen to young adults impacted by cancer discuss their "fork in the road" experiences:

Topic and Guest Introduction (0:30)

Our hosts introduce listeners to our guests, young adults from UT Southwestern Medical Center whose lives have been altered due to a cancer diagnosis. Each speaker shares their personal stories, thoughts, and experiences regarding their cancer journey.

Silver Linings (12:59)

While deviations from your intended life path can be challenging, they can sometimes provide benefits. Our hosts ask guest speakers about what positive differences they can identify when comparing their old routes to their new life courses after experiencing their cancer diagnosis. Some of the speaker's examples involve mended relationships, increased empathy, and new outlooks on life.

Coming to Terms (21:52)

When you experience an impactful event like cancer, it can take time to recognize and come to terms with the ways your life has changed. Guest speakers share their timelines of how long it took to reach the understanding that their life was significantly altered due to their cancer experience. This grieving process can be unique for everyone, and guest speakers share their own stories of how they reached this stage of their health journey.

Closing Thoughts (31:40)

Everyone's experience with cancer is personal, and it can be tough to share these experiences, as our guest speakers have done in this episode. However, hearing these stories can be impactful for others experiencing cancer. This final portion of the episode recognizes this episode's speakers for their vulnerability and bravery in exploring these topics on the Life on Pause podcast.